This Psychologist Helps Autistic Teens "How To Dance in Ohio" Feb 7 Written By Emilio Amigo “A documentary portrays how Cuban-American psychologist Emilio Amigo helps teens with autism navigate life and adolescence through a dance.”Oct. 26, 2015, 5:01 AM EDT / Updated Oct. 26, 2015, 5:05 AM EDTBy Raul A. Reyes Emilio Amigo
This Psychologist Helps Autistic Teens "How To Dance in Ohio" Feb 7 Written By Emilio Amigo “A documentary portrays how Cuban-American psychologist Emilio Amigo helps teens with autism navigate life and adolescence through a dance.”Oct. 26, 2015, 5:01 AM EDT / Updated Oct. 26, 2015, 5:05 AM EDTBy Raul A. Reyes Emilio Amigo